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312th Black Tridents of House Solveinean

Black Trident Regiment of House Solveinean

Acting Commanding General MWO ID: Wolniewski

Assisting Defensive General MWO ID: Eizel Crow 

Assisting Offensive General MWO ID: The Mad Jester 

Assisting General MWO ID: Bigdaddyal

Assisting General MWO ID: Syklarr


Academy: The Black Trident Academy has been Established, before anyone is made officially a part of the Black Trident Regiment. We put our pilots to school to train them for two weeks, they spend 85% of there time in dropships. The other 15% of that time is spent in lecture going over the basics of Mech Design and Basic Tactics.  After your done with "Baisc training" you maybe offered to join the 312th officially as a member of the Black Trident Regiment, this is trail period is also to see if you we work well together as unit. 

Basic History: The House of Solveinean Left the Solo system in the really 2200s, they headed off into the direction now claimed by [House Davion] they continued to forge their way out there for over 133 years. They only stop to mine asteroids on their way out to their home world of "Qua'vae' and they are considered Extreme Religious Fantactics, they are all about their Bloodlines and extremely Hostile to outsiders of it. The Black Trident Regiment is Considered the Royal Guard of the [House of Solveinean].

Note: The Commanding General is currently working on Novel Series and Field Manuals to the [House of Solveinean] in attempts to get Tops to add them to the BattleTech Universe Lore. 

The longterm Goal & Short Term Goals: [2 years +]

            The Goal of the 312th Black Trident Regiment is to grow as large as possible, while maintaining the Quality of our members and the closenit foundations that have made us strong over this last few months. We also look to continue to grow our reputation within the MWO Universe and build upon Alliances with other groups while doing so. Also to build reputation of "House Solveinean" as to gain approval later down the road to be add it to battletech/mechwarrior Canon.  



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